Monday, August 26, 2019

Work completion

Students who have not yet finished their name art, All About Me, and/or clock schedule assignments need to have them completed before Thursday August 29.

The clock schedule template can be seen here:
Clock Template
students need to complete 15 clocks with times that outline their normal day. The clocks need to be numbered and have the hands written in. On the back of the sheet is where students can write the clock number, along with the time and activity that takes place at that time.

Ex. #1 - 9:30am ....  I wake up and get dressed
       #2 - 11:00 am ....  I help my mom make lunch for me and my sister.

An example of the name art can be seen here:
Name art example

Any questions, please feel free to contact me at

Friday, August 23, 2019

Welcome to Grade 6 at Ernest Morrow

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As the new school year gets underway, I would like to start off by introducing myself. My name is Shane Thompson and I will be your child’s math/science teacher.  I am entering my 5th year of teaching at Ernest Morrow and prior to that worked at Penbrooke Meadows School.  I am also a volleyball and badminton coach at the school. 

I look forward to working with your child while creating a positive and exciting learning environment.  Students will be challenged in a variety of situations this year and will work towards improving their skill level in all subjects.  Both students and parents are encouraged to check my blog regularly in order to stay up to date as to what is happening in class.

I believe that open lines of communication are important to your child having a successful year.  Please contact me at any time regarding all questions or concerns that you may have.  I will do my best to respond in a timely manner.

My contact information is as follows: 
Phone:  403 777 7800 (extension 2031)  

Our meet the teacher night is scheduled for August 29th from 6 pm to 8pm.  I look forward to meeting with you on this date and putting names to faces!


Shane Thompson