Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Week ending December 13, 2019

Math - Students have begun to learn about basic probabilities through work with spinners, dice, and cards. Students have learned that there is a difference between theoretical and experimental probability. Students have learned that probabilities are expressed as fractions (later we will focus on being able to represent them as decimals and percents) and that these probability fractions are frequently written in their lowest terms. Because of this students have learned how to apply division to determine equivalent fractions in their lowest terms. They have also learned how to use multiplication to determine the number of possible outcomes that should be expected for a given set of trials.
Practice is ongoing for computation using whole numbers in all operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).

Sites that may be useful for review can be found at:
and if you have a public library card
Solaro curriculum review

Science - Students have done activities in class to learn about the properties of air. Some of these properties include that air exerts pressure, air has weight, air takes up space, and air can be compressed. Future work will look at how air moves and how the pressure difference allows birds and airplanes to fly.

Review material can be found at
Properties of air review