Friday, September 27, 2019

Week ending September 27, 2019

** Please remember to bring in your field trip forms for Youthlink **

Math - Students have wrapped up their work with triangles (classifying, identifying, measuring). Please remember to regularly review topics at home or come and see myself for added support at lunch or after school.

The following is a good review video for triangles:
Triangle review video

Students are currently learning about polygons and all the different types of them.

A good support link for these can be found here:
Polygon review

Science - Students completed their investigation of how shoeprints are used as evidence, learning about class and accidental characteristics. They also learned how prints can indicate the speed and direction that an individual may have been travelling.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Week ending September 20, 2019

Math - Students have been wrapping up their work on angles and are encouraged to do regular reveiw. They have been introduced to triangles and how to classify them based on side measurements and angles. Students were also to have completed and assignment where they were to draw their names and identify 5 different angles in 2 different locations. That assignment can be found here.

Name angle assignment

Practice supports can still always be found at:

Science - Students learned about the Calgary Police Service and their role in the community and how they help to prevent crime and the steps involved in the process. Students began to look at the types of evidence that detectives will use to link suspects to a crime with footprints.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Week Ending September 13, 2019

Math - Students have learned how to identify 5 different types of angles: straight, right, acute, obtuse, and reflex.
Students should be able to identify the measurements of these angles and make estimations when they look at them.
Students have learned how to measure angles using a protractor.

Students learned that complementary angles are 2 angles that add up to 90 degrees, supplementary angles are 2 angles that add up to 180 degrees, and that opposite angles are congruent (exactly the same)

Students learned how to estimate addition and subtraction questions by identifying the largest place values of a given number.

Math addition practice questions
Math subtraction practice questions

Also, students can access the following site from any computer. Under my math class they can search through a number of different supports for activities related to topics covered in class.


Science - students have been learning about the skills that are necessary for detectives to demonstrate in our Evidence and Investigation unit.
These include:
1. Being observant - use of 5 senses, identifying the things that we can see only, use of sketches and taking notes about things
2. Avoiding judgement - Students identified how we can use our bias and stereotypes to affect how we see people. We have to be able not to let this affect our judgement.
3. Using inference and deductions -  how to take lots of information and put it into 1 fact. How to take a piece of information and make good guesses based on it.

Students have also begun to explore how communities and crime are connected and how they are supported by the CPS (Calgary Police Service)