Math - students completed work around number concepts that involved writing/reading numbers in different forms:
STANDARD FORM - 2 387 364
NUMBER WORDS - two million three hundred eighty-seven thousand three hundred sixty-four
EXPANDED NOTATION - 2 000 000 + 300 000 + 80 000 + 7 000 + 300 + 60 + 4
They also explored these concepts using decimal numbers. Students should be able to read/write numbers up to the billions place value and down to the thousandths.
Students should also be able to use their understanding of place value to order numbers from greatest to least or least to greatest.
The following link can be used to review many of these concepts.
Math Aids - Number concepts
We are currently exploring the relationships between fractions, decimals, and percentages. Work in this area will focus on being able to create equivalent fractions with a denominator of 100.
Science - Students have spent the last week learning about adaptations that birds and insects have developed to help them fly. They then needed to determine which forces of flight that these adaptations relate to (Lift, Thrust, Drag, Weight/Gravity). They will complete a poster using this information due Tuesday of next week.
Information about the assignment, as well as links that can be used to find information can be found using D2L.
Upcoming work will look at how streamlining objects helps reduce drag and also the parts of an airplane and how some of them help the plane to make movements in the air.