Math - Students continued work on identifying the relationship between decimals, percentages, and fractions. A large part of this work focused on equivalent fractions and how to multiply or divide to put fractions in their lowest terms or to make the denominator 100 in order to make easy conversions to the other forms.
Moving forward students will be doing work on operations involving decimal numbers and learning about the order of operations (PEDMAS).
Science - Students finished the week by completing their flight adaptation posters focusing on birds and insects and the forces of flight associated with different adaptations. Students are completing posters that demonstrate their understanding of the properties of air - air exerts pressure (including the difference in pressure at different altitudes), air takes up space, air is affected by temperature, air can be compressed, and air has weight. Students should work to have these completed by the end of next week.
We will be moving on to looking at propulsion of animals and aircraft, the parts of an airplane, and the movements related to these parts.
Practice supports and review materials can be found at:
If you need any help or are looking for supports not found here, please let me know at: