Friday, February 21, 2020

Week ending February 21, 2020

Math - students have learned how to convert decimal numbers to fractions, percentages, and ratios. Through this they have incorporated previous lessons on how to represent numbers in a variety of ways such as those learned when making large and small numbers during our place value work.

Students have been working on furthering their operational skills to incorporate decimal numbers. As always, it is recommended that students having some difficulties with these skills take the time to practice at home or come in during lunch hour or after school for some additional support.

Upcoming topics will include order of operations, mixed numbers and improper fractions, and factors and multiples.

Science - students need to complete and turn in their posters on air pressure and air properties (air takes up space, air can be compressed, air is affected by temperature, air has weight).

Students also need to complete their Google slide presentation on streamlining and how it can reduce drag in an object of their choosing. Students were given significant class time to complete these projects/assignments and need to speak with me if they need support to complete them.

Students have learned about the parts of an airplane and the movements that some of these parts can produce when it is in flight (pitch, roll or bank, yaw). We will be working towards wrapping up our flight unit by examining variables on paper airplanes and how they can affect their flight.

A unit test similar to the PAT test will conclude the unit. Review material can be found at:


This is intended to help students become more comfortable with the testing process that takes place in May and June.

Any questions, please feel free to contact me at